Category: Software Development

  • How to send SMS messages from WIX Corvid

    How to send SMS messages from WIX Corvid

    Sending SMS messages from your WIX website can easily be done through Twilio if you have Corvid (Dev mode) enabled for your site. In this article I will explain how to do it. Note: You’ll need an active Twilio account with a phone number for this to work. Preparing Functionality First of all, go to…

  • 3 Types of Server Logs and Why You Need Them

    3 Types of Server Logs and Why You Need Them

    When developing an application or website, we use logs to help us find issues in the code, or simply make sure that everything is working as planned. But a log’s benefits don’t end when an app is finished, far from it… Today I will briefly discuss three types of logs that can exist in an…