Need placeholder images? Meet Lorempixel

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Need placeholder images? Meet Lorempixel

Tell me if this sounds familiar: You are designing a website, poster, magazine article – or any other content for that matter – and just when you get to assign images and text to their respective positions you notice your client hasn’t sent any of the media you asked for two weeks ago. I know, I’ve been there and for some it happens more often than not.

Enter Lorempixel

The placeholder image creating machine webservice. The frustration of having to scour the Internet for temporary images that you will end up removing anyway is a thing of the past. Now you can simply ask Lorempixel for any image size and it will throw a random image ready for all your placeholding needs.

If this wasn’t enough to be grateful for, the service also allows for parameters such as “sports, nature, food, etc” and it will give you the placeholder images relating to the topic you need. It will even give you a black & white image if you so desire.

Examples you can test:

Get a random image 180 pixels wide by 280 pixels

Get a sports based random image 180 pixels wide by 280 pixels

Get a food based random image 180 pixels wide by 280 pixels in Black & White

Lorempixel RandomLorempixel SportsLorempixel Food BW

Visit their website at to find out more. Their work is based on the famous lorem ipsum text generators that people worldwide use to create dummy text for their designs.

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